What makes chocolate so irresistible? Much of the allure of chocolate, of course, is taste - deliciously rich concoction that satisfies the strongest passions. But several chemical reactions are also at work. First of all, chocolate stimulates endorphins, produces pleasureable sensation similar to "'high run runner feels after running several miles.
Chocolate also contains a, neurotransmitter serotonin, which acts as an anti-depressant. Other substances such as theobromine and phenylethylamine, a stimulant. However, the truth is that scientists are still not positive how the over 3-100 chemicals contained in chocolate make us feel so good.
Adverse effects?

Fortunately, scientists are beginning to dispel some common myths about the dangers of eating too much chocolate. For example, it is true that eating chocolate can cause acne or make it worse. Nor is chocolate the threat to the health of the teeth that had been thought to be. While cocoa and chocolate contain sugar, which also have properties that act against the tendency of sugar to produce the oral bacteria that eventually leads to decay. In fact, researchers at the Eastman Dental Center in Rochester, New York, concluded that milk chocolate is one of the sandwiches are less likely to contribute to tooth decay because it contains other minerals and phosphates.

Asia Connection
Historically, Asia has not been known for a high consumption of chocolate. This is not surprising, because the cocoa tree is native to tropical areas of Central and South America (even if the Filipinos were able to enjoy their home-made version of the cocoa powder, since the Spanish introduced cocoa tree the Philippines in the 16 th century). However, things are changing. Chocolate consumption in China increased by forty percent since 1992. And in 1997, Bernard Callebaut, the famous chocolate manufacturer, felt confident enough to preference for Asian and the Chocolate Factory 'to open in Singapore. Concession to Asian tastes, chocolate is so sweet, also has a higher melting point.
In 2005 in Beijing Hyatt a chocolate fashion show, where models were draped in "clothing" made of different types of chocolate (Source: Asia Times). While chocolate consumption is still much lower in China than in Europe or North America, the market is constantly growing, the Chinese develop a taste for indulgence.
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