(That's Chase-me-Liz. We're speedy. Speedy-ish.)
They’re seriously good runners. Chase busted out a 49 and Liz clocked a 52. Like woah. Puts my 54 to shame. But, hey, I’ve never done a 10k before, so it’s a personal record, right?
Right. Regardless, post-race, I needed to replicate my pre-race nutrition strategy to refuel. Namely, like my fellow chocolate-fueled runners, I needed chocolate. Off to Le Pain Quotidien we went – in running gear and all.
I elected to check out the Chocolat au Pain.
So little chocolate. Such sadness. The flaky, airy croissant component nearly made up for that. Nearly. The chocolate was flavorful, but too sparse.
Fortunately, some Belgian hazelnut chocolate spread was provided along with the bread basket that us 10k finishers decided we needed.
It was more sugary than chocolatey, but it was at least smooth and not too fatty in texture. Perhaps I should have put some on my Chocolat au Pain.
Perhaps I did.
Dude, I’d just finished a 10k. It’s acceptable.
Do you eat chocolate after athletic events? Or bread? Or both?
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