Friday, June 10, 2011

Mug Cake Microwave

I saw this recipe that run on a variety of links, and finally gave up and tried it. I have a cake recipe that you make in the microwave in a container, but I prefer the latter, more chocolate. And it looks fun too.

I was having a hard time last night, so I made this cake (to 22:30) And he ate it all. And it was good. Today I showed my sister how. And it is always good. These pictures are some cakes for my sister.


4 c. soup. flour

4 c. soup. sugar

4 c. soup. cocoa

1 egg

3 c. soup. milk

3 c. soup. oil

3 c. soup. chocolate chips (optional, but not really. Add them!)

Small splash of vanilla

Measure flour, sugar and cocoa in a mug. Mix well.

Add egg and mix well.

Add milk and oil and mix well.

Add chocolate chips and vanilla and mix well.


Heat 3 minutes at 1000 watts. Cake will rise over the cup but do not worry. All the recipes said there is no concern when a cake of roses. But in my microwave oven is weird, and I was concerned about the case, as I saw my cake for the dissemination and flow down the sides. But do not worry, normal microwave does not have this problem. my sister's cake (made with my mom in microwave oven), rose with difficulty and bleeding or anything.
Let cake cool briefly, and the point on a plate, if desired. Then eat!

Tag,Chocolate Brownie,Chocolate Cake,Chocolate Recipes,Chocolate Sweet,Hot chocolate,white Chocolate Cake

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