Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Teuscher Boston: Dark Chocolate Bar with Roasted Almonds

I haven’t talked about Teuscher chocolates yet this month.

I suppose it is, after all, February 1.


So let’s have a little conversation about one of their less-than-complex creations: A Dark Chocolate Bar with Roasted Almonds.

The bar offers eight individual portions of chocolate, each with an individual almond in the center. Constructing this bar must take serious attention to detail. However, there wasn’t a very strong aroma, so I had to eat it to learn more.

The chocolate is quite creamy for a dark chocolate, and the texture is very, very smooth. The taste of the chocolate is not very bitter, and features vanilla undertones. Though the almonds are crunchy, I personally prefer a better distribution of nuts throughout a chocolate. That being said, the chocolate adheres to the almonds quite nicely, and flaking is not an issue as it often is for similar bars. Even though this bar was nice, I’m not sure it makes my list of Teuscher favorites.

It’s no champagne truffle, after all.

Do you prefer whole or chopped nuts in chocolate bars?

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