Saturday, January 22, 2011

Carob Weekend: SunSpire Vegan Carob Chips

As I write for this blog day in and day out, I occasionally consider what my life would be like if I couldn’t eat chocolate.

I’d need a new blog subject. Obviously.

But since my brother was allergic to chocolate for a couple of years when he was a child, I feel a little closer to this particular allergy. I remember my mom used to bake things with this stuff called “carob,” which I recall being, well, gross.

I was, like, eight years old, so my tastes may not have been all that refined. Give me a break.

Recently, Heather over at Heater Eats Almond Butter had to temporarily give up chocolate, and has been exploring carob. Evidently, 22 years of carob processing has brought us pretty far and she has been thrilled with her carob experiences. Intrigued, I decided to declare this to be Carob Weekend Sponsored by HEAB, and today, I bring you a review of SunSpire Vegan Carob Chips.

Now what I like about this package is that there’s no claim that this is chocolate. Or really a chocolate substitute. It’s just carob. And what does carob taste like these days?

The most notable difference between carob and chocolate is the texture, which is quite gritty and doesn’t melt in the least. These chips need to be chewed. The taste is also quite different; I found it fruity, quite sweet, and a bit acidic. I noted a bit of a banana undertone, and generally enjoyed the taste even though it differs appreciably from that of chocolate. Given the texture, I think carob is best reserved for baking, and doesn’t really have the same effect as chocolate when eaten straight.

Nothing wrong with a few baked goods, though.

Have you tried carob? What did you think?

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