2 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 ounces (about 1 / 3 cup) of high quality semi-sweet, bitter, black or chocolate chips (more
the quality of chocolate you use, the more it tastes like cake!)
1 - ½ tsp teaspoon cocoa powder
1 egg
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Place the butter in a cup. Microwave until butter is melted and heated through, about 30-45 seconds. Each
microwave oven is different, so definitely keep an eye on it. When it starts to crackle and pop, you

2. chocolate chips Pour into molds and let sit for about a minute. After he had the chance to sit, touch
until all the chocolate is melted butter. Add the cocoa powder and stir again until the
3. In another bowl, whisk egg with brown sugar and vanilla until thick and
4. Pour the egg / sugar / vanilla mixture into the melted chocolate and butter and mix until smooth.
5. Microwave for 1 minute, 30 seconds (time may be necessary to adjust for
microwave). Cake rise to the surface of the cup and looks cooked, but moist on the surface. You do not
want to overcook the cake, why do not "melt" the effect of chocolate
sauce on the bottom. Let stand for 1 minute. The cake will be reduced somewhat and out side
of the cup.
6. You can turn the cake onto a plate and decorate or just enjoy a cup directly
(Warning Cup will be hot!). Enjoy =
Tag,Chocolate Brownie,Chocolate Cake,Chocolate Recipes,Chocolate Sweet,Hot chocolate,white Chocolate Cake
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