Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Motivation in the Fall

I'm sooo excited the fall is fast approaching!  Don't get me wrong - I love the other seasons too, but fall is just dreamy!  The chill in the air, the amazing colors of the leaves, the fall flavors - cinnamon, pumpkin, nutmeg - and the state fair!  Woohoo!  Life is good!

I know lots of people are struggling to keep their motivation high, so I thought I'd post a quick list of ideas to help:

Allow yourself one simple pleasure (and savor it) everyday starting tomorrow.  You pick the pleasure - coffee on your porch? a really great chocolate bar?  a long, hot bath?  Watching a football game?  We cut these out in the name of saving time and wonder why we're crabby.

Swap out some decorations.  You don't have to completely redecorate to get a change of scene.  Get a couple of ceramic pumpkins or a wrought iron leaf or two.  Maybe a fall scented candle.  Change it up!  The same things all the time get boring and we get stagnant.  Think of something you can change up at work too.  Even if it's just your computer desktop background - change it!

Go to a festival.  (Okay if you hate festivals, don't do this.)  There are so many festivals and I like going someplace new and trying the food and watching the people.  Fall is the best time to do this in my book.  There's a peanut festival this weekend in Dublin, NC this weekend.  It's on my calendar.  Personally I think the peanut should be celebrated everyday, but once a year is better than nothing.

Get outside!!!  For God's sake, people - breathe the air, feel the sun on your face, see the beauty of the world!  Most of us spend way too much time inside.  Before you know it, you'll be saying it's too cold.  Do it now!

Start or continue a tradition.  Is there something you can do with your friends or family this season that could be a fun tradition?  Heading out to a corn maze or carving pumpkins?  What about your work family?  Don't your people deserve a break?  Do something for them. 

Life is as good as we decide to make it.

My favorite leaves - chocolate ones!!!

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