Sunday, March 15, 2009

Perfection and Caramel

No progress on the relationship front - although I was contacted out of the blue by the perpetrator of the Afghanistan Affair. He told me I was the perfect woman - maybe too perfect. (Apparently his other women aren't quite what he expected.) I'm TOO perfect and my personality is too big. What am I going to do with all this "constructive" criticism? Heavy sigh.

On to sweeter things:

This is an interesting assortment from The Chocolate Fetish. Let's take it piece by piece from the upper left.

First are white chocolate covered dried apricots - I didn't care for these - the apricots were too hard - when you bite them all the softer white chocolate crumbles off. And it's not like I really love dried apricots.

Next over was a milk chocolate covered caramel - WOW - fantastic!! Buttery, rich, and chewy - just the way I like them!!

Next was a dark chocolate covered crystallized piece of ginger. I'm biased here because I'm not a big ginger fan, and there's no middle ground with a hunk of ginger. You'll either love it or hate it. I'm not lovin' it.

Next is a nice, dark chocolate covered fig. This was good - as far as dried, dark chocolate covered figs go. If you're a big fig fan - this is for you. Me - not so much. Hey, don't get me wrong - I love the Fig Newton. But eating dried figs doesn't really rock my world - even when they are covered with chocolate.

Immediately below the fig is a dark chocolate dipped dried kiwi. Same problem as with the apricot - the dried fruit is too hard for the softer chocolate. Didn't like this.

Next is a dark chocolate covered caramel - FANTASTIC!! Almost fudgey - chewy, rich and decadent. LOVED the caramels in this assortment.

Next was the only dried fruit I really liked - a crystallized pineapple wedge covered with dark chocolate - heavenly!! I wish I had more of these. A lot more. YUM!

Finally there is a milk chocolate and a white chocolate covered dried raspberry - these looked gorgeous - like strands of chocolate lace over the raspberries. If these had been fresh raspberries - this would have been wonderful. But with dried raspberries. Eh.

Okay - so dried fruit covered in chocolate isn't my thing, but these caramels were mind blowing. They were the perfect consistency - not too soft or too chewy. In fact, they were perfect - not too perfect - just perfect.

And don't worry - I know that someday, perhaps in the old folks home, I will find the man who thinks I'm perfect - at least for him. And if I don't? Well - there is always chocolate!!

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