Thursday, June 25, 2009

Soul Mates - Peanut Butter and Chocolate

God, I love peanut butter. The pairing of it with chocolate is a true act of genius. In fact, in the Church of Chocolate this is the equivalent of building the ark. Splitting the atom has nothing on buttering the peanut. I'm making George Washington Carver a saint right now. (Just pretend I'm wearing my Hershey kiss miter and burning some chocolate scented incense). Is the spirit moving you?

Just saw a Reese's commercial (clearly a sign we are on the right path) - hilarious!! Said Sharing is a nice thought. (Pause) Stupid, but nice. LOVE IT!!!!!

At Candy Expo, Dove was premiering their Peanut Butter chocolates. Susan at http://www.candydishblog/ has some great pics of their gorgeous booth here:

Love that silk!! We needs lots of that at the C of C - and love the chocolate fountain! Can you say "Baptismal Pool?" Oh yeah, baby!!

Here are the Dove chocolates:

I thought several of the individually wrapped ones would be in the package, but I was wrong - this is what was in there:

A chocolate centipede. Let's autopsy:

These aren't bad, they just don't rock my world. I like Dove chocolate, I love peanut butter, but this is just average to me. I REALLY did the salty peanut butter of the Reese's.

These weren't at Candy Expo, but I found them at the Hershey's store in Chicago:

I can't believe I haven't seen these before, but I was thrilled!! And they are good! I really like the red paper tabs - nice touch!!! And check out the autopsy:

I don't; think they could have packed any more peanut butter in there. And I swear it's that salty Reese's peanut butter!! I like the Kisses better than the Dove Promises? Centipede? Whatever. Like the silk though.

Reese's has something along these lines - Reese's Select cremes:

They look great, right? I was so excited - ready for Reese's to rock the house!! Eh - not so good. Kind of like the Dove things. Maybe too much chocolate. I dunno. I was not impressed. The Kisses were better.

But, the most awesome are the Reese's Clusters. I've reviewed them before, but now I feel compelled to command you to try them. They are just so damn good!!!!!!

Look at the great Reese's Peanut Butter! See the caramelly center and those crunchy peanuts! Get thee to a store!!! These are just about as good as sex. Not that I've ever had sex or anything, but these are REALLY good!

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