I want to rant because Christmas trees will not be displayed in the two main libraries at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill this year because the library staff thinks "it didn't seem right to celebrate one set of customs when libraries offer information about all belief systems around the world without judgment." I guess the only one they can judge is the Christian one.
Look, let me preface all this by telling you I am one of the least religious people you will run into. I'm not a fan of drawn out prayers (from any religion) at business meetings. I don't go to church - well, the Church of Chocolate. But I love Christmas. I love the candy and the trees and the lights and the Santas. I remember my days at college and I loved when the decorations went up on campus - they were festive and pretty.
I say these politically correct librarians are idiots. If I went into a library in another country and saw decorations displayed from that culture - would I not learn something? Would I not be enriched? If I saw another country's flag flying would I be offended? Are the books in the library offensive because they are in English? Is there a Bible in there? Better get that out quick - someone might be offended! Heck - the Christmas Tree came from a pagan beginning! Can't it just be a festive, holiday decoration? I'm sorry - I just think this is ridiculous. They can't see the beauty for the trees.
So, let's talk about some candy that is breaking tradition. Have you seen all the candy canes out there? Everybody is getting in on this - I saw Bubblicious candy canes, Jolly Rancher candy canes, Jelly Belly candy canes, Dum-Dum candy canes, Life Saver candy canes, Spree candy canes, Sweetarts candy canes, Smarties candy canes, even High School Musical candy canes (what the hell?). And, for us, Wille Wonka Chocolate Flavored Candy Canes in the bi-lingual box. Apparently Willie has a big Spanish speaking following.
Ok - first of all, these are so ugly. They are purple and brown. Not festive.
I wanted to hate them - to tell you they should have never been made. (Nestle makes them, by the way.) But I kind of liked them! And each one only has 50 calories (calorias)! If you like chocolate, want a low calorie treat that no one else will take because they are so ugly - these are for you. (But not for the librarians at UNC - they might be offended.) In fact, I think they should all work on Christmas - isn't it offensive to close the library?
Now Cadbury has an entry. I like the Cadbury eggs - the little candy coated ones (well, I like the big creme filled ones too, but I'm not talking about those. Don't get distracted.). They have much more chocolate in them than M & Ms, their closest competitor in this category. So when I saw the Christmas ones, I was pretty excited.
Now Cadbury has an entry. I like the Cadbury eggs - the little candy coated ones (well, I like the big creme filled ones too, but I'm not talking about those. Don't get distracted.). They have much more chocolate in them than M & Ms, their closest competitor in this category. So when I saw the Christmas ones, I was pretty excited.

Okay - something went wrong here. Look at these things! Are they dusty? Did they roll around on the floor of the factory? Do they need to revisit their candy coating process?
Can you say - gross? Again I say, what the hell? Where was quality control? Red and green M & M's in a glass container look great as a decoration. They are shiny - they look delish. I'd be afraid to put these out. Boo!! Give these to the library ladies.
I always love new candy - it is exciting. And even though mint is not my fav, I have always loved the Junior Mint. Low fat - creamy. I have eaten these in many a movie. So when I found these new limited edition inside out Junior Mints, I was excited!!!

These are just terrible. They are like a bad mento filled with some really crappy chocolate like material. Like a chocolate gel - eewww. The Junior Mint is great!!! Tradition!!! These are a blemish on the Junior Mint name and the edition should be limited to as few as possible. BLEECH. Library material.
Now, these are better:

These are just like the traditional Junior Mint, but with some little peppermint sprinkles. I still like the traditional one best because I love its smoothness. But as a holiday offering, these are very festive. And you gotta love that box - very seasonal - would look great in a stocking! And doesn't have any Christian images - the library ladies would be happy. But these you should keep for your friends - the ones who are glad to see decorations for any holiday - and know that the more, the merrier.
Anything that adds beauty to this world is a gift. I hope you get to see much beauty this holiday season. (And get to eat mucho chocolate!)
I always love new candy - it is exciting. And even though mint is not my fav, I have always loved the Junior Mint. Low fat - creamy. I have eaten these in many a movie. So when I found these new limited edition inside out Junior Mints, I was excited!!!

These are just terrible. They are like a bad mento filled with some really crappy chocolate like material. Like a chocolate gel - eewww. The Junior Mint is great!!! Tradition!!! These are a blemish on the Junior Mint name and the edition should be limited to as few as possible. BLEECH. Library material.
Now, these are better:

These are just like the traditional Junior Mint, but with some little peppermint sprinkles. I still like the traditional one best because I love its smoothness. But as a holiday offering, these are very festive. And you gotta love that box - very seasonal - would look great in a stocking! And doesn't have any Christian images - the library ladies would be happy. But these you should keep for your friends - the ones who are glad to see decorations for any holiday - and know that the more, the merrier.
Anything that adds beauty to this world is a gift. I hope you get to see much beauty this holiday season. (And get to eat mucho chocolate!)
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