Yard art really makes no sense. No one NEEDS yard art. It costs money. You have to mow around it. It's not an investment - it doesn't get better with age, it fades badly. Note this lovely cactus:

Is that blue? Would it not make more sense to grow a real cactus? And note the gazing ball in the background. It is said that gazing balls are supposed to bring prosperity to the owner. Hmmmm....most of the houses I see with gazing balls don't seem too prosperous.....maybe they should stop spending all that money on gazing balls.
Yard art also seems to be something that becomes addictive - once you get once piece of yard art, you seem to feel compelled to add to the collection:

This yard has three gazing balls, two fiberglass (?) deer, two fiberglass Boxers, a fiberglass Rottweiler, a giant cardinal in one of the birdbaths, an angel, and two small children sitting on a tiny swing on the porch. And some strawberries. Giant strawberries.
Yard art is like chocolate. No one really needs it. There's no logic in consuming it. Okay, you can try that whole antioxidant thing, but there's not a Doctor on the planet who would tell you to eat a lot of chocolate. It's not an investment; it doesn't get better with time. And it does seem that when you have some chocolate, you want more.
I don't have any yard art, but I love it - it makes me smile. I think of the lady positioning those Boxers just so under those strawberries and stepping back to admire her work. M & Ms make me smile too. They come in all those different colors, but they're not flavored differently. They could all just be brown. But how fun are those colors? Completely illogical - much harder and more expensive to make than just making brown M & Ms, but WAY more fun.
Want a great life? Embrace it all! See the Sistine Chapel AND catch your reflection in a gazing ball. Sip the finest red wine AND toss a few M & Ms in your mouth. Life is short and amazing and illogical and we should grab as much of it as we can. I need to get some of those strawberries.....
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