Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Peanut Butter can Glue Your Heart Back Together

Ah - guess what, my beloved readers? Yours truly is back on the market. Yes, I somehow managed to pick yet another man who wants to "keep his options open". Now mind you, he still wants to see me - just wants to see other women too. Um - no.

Yoowee! I sure can pick 'em!! Well - let's just thank goodness I didn't make him famous by putting pics of him on this blog! And at least this didn't waste as much of my time as the Afghanistan Affair. The truth is, it never felt right. That had to be obvious to you all. If things were great, my guy would want pictures of us plastered all over the 'Net. He would be thrilled to be seen with me. I just never felt sure enough to do it. The ol' gut never lies, even when we don't listen to it.

You know what this is going to mean, dear readers? Drum roll please!!!!

More horrifying dating stories!!!!

And if any of you know any solid single guys, just let me know. ; )

Don't worry about me - I'm actually okay with this. Things never felt right, and I'm pretty sure he's been less than honest with me about a lot of things, so it's okay. I think karma gets those people in the end. At least I didn't send him a bunch of care packages! (Although I did book a weekend stay at the beach this weekend for his b-day.) But I'll have a blast without him. I might even meet someone there - who knows? Oh - he did say he knew this was a bad time with my hip and all, but.....

Hey, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!

Okay, well that was something in a great exterior that turned out to be a nightmare on the interior. Here's something that has a terrible exterior, but turns out to be pretty damn good!

Hee, hee - thank goodness someone put that yellow price sticker on there - we might have no idea how much this was!

I saw this and thought - "Oh boy - this is going to be horrible!! I so can't wait to blog about it!"

When I opened it, I thought:

Oh yeah - look at that - flooring! That looks pretty industrial doesn't it?

I'm thinking - "Ew - oh man - this is gonna be so bad it will be so fun to write about!!!"

You know what? It was pretty good!! I know - I'm scaring myself. It's made by Palmer, and you know I usually despise Palmer Chocolate. I'm sure the bottom layer is mockolate, but peanut butter is ingredient number four - and this tastes pretty good! It's no Reese's, but it's a real surprise. For two bucks it's one helluva big bar and I like it!

(Chocolate snobs are gasping in horror at this, but who cares.)

When will I learn not to judge a book by its cover? At the end of the day, it's the inside that counts.

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