Sunday, February 22, 2009

Let's Bail Out the Girl Scouts!

I usually avoid them - those people selling things near the entrance or exit of a store. I try not to make eye contact and move like I am on an important mission.

I give to charities. But I don't like to be solicited on the street. I don't like the perfume sprayers in Belk either. Or those weird kiosk people in the mall. No you can't ask me anything and no I don't want any lotion. What are you people? Carneys? Gypsies? The Undead?

But yesterday I read that Girl Scout Cookie sales are down 16% because of the recession. I usually don't buy Girl Scout Cookies - not because I have anything against the Girl Scouts - I used to be a Brownie. (Hey - maybe that's when my love affair with chocolate began! I actually WAS chocolate!!) I don't buy the cookies because I cannot stop eating the damn things.

But today I went to Lowe's, and there they were. I saw them. I remembered the story. I thought, "Recession be damned!" and bought four boxes (at $14.00). I mean, are we going to let the Recession take Girl Scout Cookies from us????

I have already eaten an entire sleeve of peanut butter sandwiches and 6 peanut butter patties, and 4 Thanks-A-Lot which were WAY better than I expected. I didn't dare open the Carmel deLites. (Didn't these used to be Samoas? Is that not politically correct? Are Samoans offended? Did the Rock pull a Naked Cowboy and sue?) The cookies are better than I remembered, although we can see why I don't buy them. Those little Girl Scouts selling me peanut butter cookies is like a dealer giving a junkie crack.

But I'll take that risk to help bail out the Girl Scouts.

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