Friday, December 16, 2011

Lindt Excellence Dark: Cranberry

Remember how Lindt sent me free chocolate to check out this summer?

Yeah, I suck, don’t I? And now, I suck more, because as a member of the Lindt Excellence Influencers club, I was sent a coupon for a free Cranberry dark chocolate bar.


The bar has a very creamy aroma, with some berry and faint hints of vanilla and coffee.

Thin almond slivers and bits of dried cranberry are distributed evenly throughout the bar, and are small enough to not over take any bites of chocolate.

The chocolate itself has a smooth, buttery melt with a subtle cranberry flavor and a creamy edge to the flavor. It seems to almost taste like cranberry milk (does anybody make that? Somebody should). Coffee and earthy flavors also permeate the chocolate, and a bit of sugar complements the tart flavor nicely. The cranberry bits are a tiny bit chewy, and this is perhaps the only aspect of the bar that isn’t nearly perfect, but the almonds add a nice crunch without overpowering.

Well done, Lindt, well done. And a nice seasonal flavor to boot.

Do you get coupons for free chocolate all the time? Or is that just me?

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