Friday, December 31, 2010
Champagne Truffles: Ring in the New Year
You won't have any bubbles in these truffles tonight for New Year's Eve, but you will taste the champagne.. and the Cognac. I posted this recipe last year for New Year's Eve, but I still find it's my favorite for easy Champagne Truffles. This recipe uses more champagne than most Champagne Truffle recipes, and the Cognac also adds some zip. If you're in a pinch you can use a different type of sugar or even cocoa to coat the truffles. The sanding sugar, though, gives it a festive New Year's Eve look!
Martha Stewart's Champagne Truffles
Makes about 3 dozen
1/2 cup heavy cream
8 ounces semisweet chocolate, coarsely chopped
1/4 cup plus 1 Tablespoon Champagne
1 tablespoon Cognac
Coarse sanding sugar, for rolling
1. Bring the cream to a boil in a small saucepan over medium-high heat. Immediately pour hot cream over the chocolate in a medium bowl; stir until smooth. Stir in the Champagne and Cognac. Refrigerate until chocolate mixture is firm enough to roll into balls, about 1 hour. (or more!!)
2. Using a small melon baller or ice-cream scoop, form 1-inch balls. Roll each ball in coarse sanding sugar, and transfer to rimmed baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate truffles at least 30 minutes or up to 3 days before serving.
You can also use unsweetened cocoa or confectioner's sugar if you don't have sanding sugar. This recipe was in Martha's wedding section, so the sparkly white sugar looks great for weddings and holidays, but cocoa tastes just as good.. just different.
What Is Sanding Sugar?
Sanding sugar is a large crystal sugar used as edible decoration that will not dissolve when subjected to heat. Also called pearl sugar or decorating sugar, sanding sugar adds "sparkle" to cookies, baked goods and candies. The sparkling affect is achieved because the sugar crystal grains are large and reflect light. You can order Sanding Sugar online or buy it in cake decorating departments.
Photo: Martha Stewart website
Obligatory 2010 Wrap-Up: A (Partial) Year in Chocolate
I went to Milwaukee. To eat frozen custard and to bake for family members.
Then I went to Chicago. Mostly for a business meeting, but also to check out a Vosges boutique and subsequently fall in love with their entire concept, though not every bar they produce.
Back home in DC, I was delighted to find that Cacao had opened shop about half a mile from where I live. A lucky event. A not-so-lucky-event: my experiment with meringue buttercream in August heat and humidity. A truly brilliant event that followed: covering the frosting with chocolate.
Reasonable adults consider balls of frosting covered in chocolate to be appropriate food. I promise. They also make nearly 200 mini cupcakes to share with colleagues and swimming buddies to celebrate their birthdays and believe that cake is a great vehicle for vegetable consumption.
In the midst of all my "reasonable adult" behavior, I had another business trip. This time to Dana Point, CA. It was there that I found a shop that sold gigantic truffles that tasted like stale Tang. Luckily, my faith in the availability of good food returned when I came home to a box of fudge from Chip's Chocolate Factory, which was pretty awesome.
When I got back, I also made way too many banana mini cupcakes for a coworkers birthday. Oops.
Seriously, he is really, really cool. He even commented on one of my posts, which involved two of his recipes.
In November, I was excited to go to the Chocolate Show in NYC, but was waylaid by my kidney (it happens). Instead, I stayed home, went to a sample day at Biagio, and made a cherpumple. From scratch.
For Christmas, I went back to Milwaukee. And fed my family an outrageous cake.
And I have a bold prediction for 2011. Want to make bets on whether or not it will happen?
Here it is: I will eat chocolate.
Do you have any predictions for 2011?
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Food Holidays, Chocolate and Me
Vosges Bars: Bapchi's Caramel Toffee
When I spied the Vosges Gingerbread Toffee Bars on sale at the Whole Foods in Tenleytown earlier this month, naturally, I inspected the shelf for other bars that were on sale, and quickly scooped up several, including a Bapchi's Caramel Toffee Bar.
As noted on the packaging, Vosges founder and CEO Katrina Markoff named this bar after her grandmother “Bapchi,” who taught her how to cook.
Inside the packaging is a bar based on a 45% cacao deep milk chocolate, which is created by mixing a touch of dark chocolate in with Vosges signature milk chocolate. Taste-wise, this chocolate is blended nearly 50-50 with the other contents of the bar.
Those other contents include sweet butter toffee, walnuts, and pecans, which are finely chopped and evenly sprinkled throughout the bar.
In addition to being well-chopped and evenly distributed to result in a more uniform and pleasing tasting experience, the added ingredients have an outstanding texture, both individually and in contrast to the smooth milk chocolate. The nuts are well toasted and not remotely soggy, and the toffee is crunchy but not tough or brittle. The toffee bits also feature a distinct salt taste and a subtle butter taste, which stand up well to the deep milk chocolate. In this bar, Vosges has done an outstanding job of mixing the salty toffee with a not-too-sweet milk chocolate. I enjoyed this bar quite a bit, and managed to catch a few extra from the shelves of the Tenleytown Whole Foods before the holiday supplies began to dwindle.
Do you like toffee? With or without chocolate?
Williams Sonoma Holiday Chocolate Sale
I really like their hot chocolate and peppermint bark, so I wanted to share the information on this sale. Disclaimer: I don't work for Williams Sonoma, nor do I benefit by mentioning :-)
There are other items on sale, and those will keep! Cookie cutters, chocolate pots and more! Most of the chocolate foods come in great containers. Perfect to store cookies and candies or use for gifts! Enjoy!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Football and Foliage
Look at all the different designs! Gotta love "lick the competition." Do these do anything for me? While I admire the different shapes and the many designs, I have to say - not really. There seems to be more cookie and less cream and I am so NOT about that. I was born for Double Stuff.
Little Debbie (LD) has some football shaped brownies (oddly these are the same shape as their Easter egg brownies, but the shape is better for footballs, so you go, LD!) They taste pretty good - the same as all the other Little Debbie brownies I've reviewed. A new shape is just a good excuse to buy more. Cheap and pretty chocolately - while not a touch down, I'd say definitely a field goal.
Look pretty good, huh? Always moist - Little Debbie has the cheap, mass produced brownie down cold.
And look at these! Reese's Footballs!
These are totally the Reese's eggs repackaged as footballs. But they are still that delicious Reese's peanut butter, so I'm not complainin'! And the bag weighs like a ton! (2 pounds!)
Since football is a fall sport, I'm going to include some other fall flavors. (Yeah, yeah I know it's January - give a girl a break! I've been busy!) Harry and David has these Red Apple Caramel balls:
And while you guys know I love most of Harry and David's stuff, I did not love these. They had some kind of funky aftertaste. Boo! If Hershey can get the exact taste of caramel apples in their Kisses (reviewed on September 5th), Harry and David can do better than this. Flag on the play!
Godiva also has a caramel apple Gem:
Now it's just pathetic when Hershey does better than Godiva. Once again I rant at how damn expensive Godiva is and how not so great. (Just like some pro football players we could name.)
Not to be limited by football, LD also had these for the Fall and their usual brownie trees for Christmas:
A solid performer.
Marshmallow Treats again - this time for Fall. Nothing wrong with them - they are basically second rate Rice Krispy treats in fall colors. A little less crispy, a little less sweet, just not quite as good as the original.
But you gotta give LD credit for those colors. I like a little originality and flash. (Just like some pro football players we could name.)
My favorite decorated sugar cookies from Harry and David:
Good tasting, not rock hard like some of these decorated cookies can be. They are VERY hard to stop eating. And they are in adorable little designs. I'm glad to see they have remained politically correct and not included an Indian head dress.
These little marzipan works of art were in World Market:
You know they are from Europe when you see the toadstool. We would have never included that in the good ol' US of A. Leaves yes, fungi no. They come from Germany. Land of the fairy tale (and the fungi).
Really pretty, aren't they?
Vosges Bars: Amalfi
When I got the Vosges Marzipan Bar at the most recent Biagio sample day, I also picked up another Vosges holiday season bar I’d been eyeing over the internet: The Amalfi bar, which features a 36% cocoa white chocolate, pink peppercorns, and lemon zest.
The bar, which greets me by telling me that I’ve never been lovelier, has a strong lemon aroma; the pink peppercorns are also evident immediately upon visual inspection.
The chocolate itself is quite smooth with a bit of grit that can probably be attributed to the lemon zest and peppercorn. Each bite features a definite lemon note, which covers up the traditional vanilla taste of white chocolate and contrasts well with the sugary white chocolate. The pepper taste, however, seems to only be evident when the flecks of pepper are in a given bite, and it seems that the pepper is there more for visual enhancement than taste. As an unapologetic white chocolate lover, I enjoyed this bar both for the soft white chocolate and the flavor contrast offered by the lemon zest, though I’d be curious about how I might have enjoyed this differently had the pepper taste been more pronounced.
Do you like bars with a white chocolate base?
Eit! I've Been Tagged: Four Things
And yes, this is a post about chocolate.
Four TV shows that I watch:
Morning news
Evening news
Baking with Julia
Desperate Housewives (OK, please just read 1-3)
Four things I’m passionate about:
Healthy cooking
Synchronized Swimming
Nuclear energy
Four words/phrases I use a lot:
Good grief
LADIES (when you coach synchronized swimming, this is necessary)
Four things I’ve learned from the past:
Life is unfair. And nothing you can do will change that.
It's OK to like girly things.
Eating chocolate won't make your problems go away. Your apartment still needs to be cleaned. Really.
Eating chocolate can still make you happy.
Four places I would like to go:
Four things I did yesterday:
Met a friend from middle school for lunch
Contemplated the Scharffen Berger adventure contest
Bought a new car battery
Four things I am looking forward to:
2011 Configuration Risk Management Forum
Judging at my first international synchronized swimming meet in July. In Hawaii. Yep.
Learning how to make and work with decorative chocolate
Four things I love about winter:
Wearing my sweaters
All the work-related meetings I attend in January/February - they help me be even more effective in my job, which I love
Following college swim meets
Taking (too many) hot baths
Tag four people to play along:
Go ahead - comment! You know you want to.
New Year's Eve Chocolate Hats: Ice Cream Cones
New Year's Eve Chocolate Covered Ice Cream Cone Hats
Sugar cones
Ice cream
Chocolate chips (12-ounce bag for 10 to 12 cones) or any high quality dark chocolate, broken up
Icing: Make this easy. Buy the Wilton's icing writers. They come in multiple colors and are easy to use
Shoestring licorice
1. Spread melted chocolate chips over each sugar cone with a small spatula. Let the chocolate harden for about 1 hour (or 20 minutes in the refrigerator).
2. For chinstraps, use icing to attach the ends of a fruit strip or a length of shoestring licorice to the inside of each cone.
3. Use icing to decorate the hats and attach nonpareils.
Get creative and use your Gingerbread cookie decorating techniques
Photo: Disney Family Fun
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Hell Has Frozen Over
These didn't last long. But any man who shares my love of lard and sugar is a keeper!
Remember the Grove Park Inn's national gingerbread competition from last year? Well this year I took Tim (another bonus, a man who will go to a gingerbread house competition). He is the best!
Here's the first prize ribbon:
And here's the first prize gingerbread creation:
Gorgeous Christmas nesting dolls made out of gingerbread. So perfect! There were plenty more fantastic creations - a rocking horse that looked as if it were made out of wood, not gingerbread; several amazingly detailed houses - so much fun! And we got to drink hot chocolate, eat gingerbread and watch it snow. Finally a romantic Christmas!! Usually I'm off on a solo trip somewhere - it's so much better to have someone to celebrate the season with.
I don't want to be one of those sappy people who go on and on about their good fortune, but I do want to share some tips for those of you who may not yet have the relationship you dream of:
1.) Don't give up. I've been single since my divorce 13 years ago. I've been on more bad dates than anyone should have to endure. But every single one of them was worth it - they make me really appreciate the man I've finally found. And all that BS about stop looking and then it will happen? Well, if I had taken my profile down, we would have never found each other. Keep doing something! The UPS person is not your only option!
2.) Don't settle. You'll meet plenty of people who just don't want to be alone. They just want to be with someone, anyone. You don't want that - you want to hold out for the one who wants to be with you. Someone who loves you with all your crazy quirks - hell, someone who loves you because of all your crazy quirks.
3.) When it's right, you'll know it. There's no drama. There's trust and openness, and in this case, a whole lot of laughter. Angst, worry, doubt - those are all signals that it's not right. It was weird, but the feeling I had on our first date was that I had come home.
4.) Being alone is better than being with the wrong person. I've been with the wrong person, with several wrong people and it's awful. Broken promises, lack of trust, no real talk of the future, secrets, lies - all of it makes you feel bad, makes you doubt yourself. A good relationship makes you feel better about yourself. You feel like you're part of a team. It's full of openness and light. You can be lonelier with the wrong person than you will ever be by yourself. If you can learn to walk alone, you can hold out for all the love you deserve.
5.) The Universe doesn't work on our time table. Thirteen years was a long, long time to me. I went through my mother's death alone, I went through hip surgery with no one to hold my hand. There were so many times when I would be the only one at a function without a date. Just because you want something doesn't mean you'll get it when you want it. Try hard, treat others as you would like to be treated, and keep holding your hand out. Someday the right person will take it.
6.) Choose your associates wisely. The people you let share your life will have a huge impact on it, for better or worse. Don't be afraid to walk away from those who cause you pain. You'll free up time and space for those who can bring you joy.
Chocolate Truffles Recipe Round-Up for National Chocolate Candy Day
Don't have time to make truffles? Your favorite chocolatier has lots of varieties!
Chocolate Honey Truffles
Milk Chocolate Truffles
Blue Cheese Truffles
Chocolate Espresso Truffles
Eggnog Truffles
Champagne Truffles
Oreo Truffles
Candy Corn Truffles
Mexican Chocolate Truffles
Kahlua Chocolate Truffles
1/4 cup heavy cream
2 tablespoons Kahlua
7 ounces dark chocolate, 60-75% cacao, broken
4 tablespoons sweet butter, softened
Unsweetened cocoa
Heat cream in a small heavy pan until reduced to 2 tablespoons.
Remove from heat then stir in kahlua and chocolate.
Return to low heat and stir until chocolate melts.
Whisk in softened butter.
When mixture is smooth pour into a shallow bowl and refrigerate about 40 minutes.
Scoop chocolate with teaspoon or small cookie scoop and shape into 1" balls.
Roll balls in unsweetened cocoa.
Store truffles covered in refrigerator.
Let truffles stand at room temperature for 30 minutes before serving.
Vosges Bars: Marzipan
The bar features a 62% cocoa dark chocolate, which has a hint of a coffee undertone and surrounds a marzipan blended with “a touch of Amaretto” (per the Vosges description).
Sadly, as one who shies away from strongly alcohol-infused chocolate creations, this bar seemed to have more than just a bit of Amaretto mixed in with the marzipan, which resulted in a thin, wet, runny interior that broke away from the chocolate instantly.
The result was an alcohol-heavy mess that I had a difficult time biting into and enjoying, which is unfortunate given how much I was looking forward to this bar. That being said, Vosges did do a great job of selecting a slightly bitter dark chocolate to offset the sweet taste of the marzipan and Amaretto, so the bar is well-balanced in terms of sweetness, but the Amaretto completely dominates the flavor. A true Amaretto lover would likely love this bar – assuming that they could look beyond the mess factor, which I can do myself for chocolate that I enjoy.
Do you like marzipan? Plain or alcohol-infused?
Monday, December 27, 2010
Chocolate Adventures on the Road: Milwaukee in December

While I was there, my Uncle Dave fed us well, which involved a trip to V. Richards.
At this little shop, I discovered not only a supply of Vosges bars, but a local chocolate bar outlet: Indulgence Chocolatiers, a Milwaukee-based business that handcrafts chocolate bars. Reviews, as always, are forthcoming.
My Uncle Dave also took us past Brennan’s, which boasts the Best. Cheese. Selection. Ever.
They also happened to have some E. Guittard in stock.
In addition to the milk chocolate that I purchased to make some lime-coconut thumbprint cookies, I picked up two new E. Guittard bars to review.
Well, and to eat. Let’s not pretend that this is anything but an awesome task.
Since Wisconsin is playing in the Rose Bowl later this week, everybody is all about the Badgers this week, and my family celebrated by making some Wisconsin-themed Brunsli.
Since she and I share a love of baking, she got me a copy of Warren Brown’s latest book, United Cakes of America, for Christmas.
My Uncle Dave and Aunt Maggie, who are also well-aware of my kitchen exploits, got me a convection toaster oven (!).
And my parents pitched in by getting me new baking sheets and a kitchen scale, both of which will be very helpful in my quest to make more and more macarons.
And, as no trip to Milwaukee would be complete without frozen custard, my Uncle Dave got us Turtle Sundae custard from Kopp's Frozen Custard.
Neat little break for Christmas, huh? I sure thought so. Plenty of chocolate, that's for sure.
Did you travel at all for Christmas? Where did you go? And most importantly, was there good chocolate?